It is known that biological diversity is composed of several levels of organization, such as: individual, population, species and communities (Makhnev, Mamaev, 1996). Practically in the allocation of forest genetic reserves in order to preserve the gene pool of the major forest forming species in the first place are the species and population levels. The objectives of the first of them are almost solved easily, because reserves are allocated to a relatively well-studied species. While at the population level forest species studied is far from all, or not fully, but only partially on the part of area. Nevertheless, due to the interaction of two systems integration - the population-species and biogeocenological (Schwartz, 1974), for the practical work on the organization of forest genetic reserves within the range of individual species as a basis has been made possible the use of botanical-geographic or nature site zoning. With respect to the level of communities, the problems in this regard are solved by the inclusion in the reserves of all types of wood available in the forestry in which allocated reserve.
Thus, if the system of genetic reserves cover all or most known for the species populations (groups of populations), then biological diversity in this system is widely and greatly supplements such as represented in specially designed Especially Protected Natural Territories, such as botanical monuments of nature, national reserves and special nature reserves.
Mamaev S.A., Makhnev A.K., The problems of biological diversity and its maintenance in forest ecosystems, Forestry, 1996, 3, 3-10.
Shvarts S.S., The evolution of the biosphere and ecological forecasting., Dokl. at anniversary session USSR Academy of Sciences, devoted 250th anniversary of AS USSR, M., 1974, 24.
Note. Abstracts are published in author's edition